Carolina Torres

Sydney, Australia / Bucaramanga, Colombia

Creating macramé it is a meditation technique and a way to practice mindfulness for me. It is a magic process that starts with one knot using different colours cords and it’s transformed into a piece of art. This process makes me feel emotionally calm, it makes me pay attention and be fully engaged to the present moment. The most grateful part of doing macramé is that it helps my mind and soul, it brings to the universe a creative piece of art and to authentic women the option to have a truly one of a kind piece of jewellery.

I was in love with this ancient technique that is widely used in the country I come from. I decided to learn this by myself, so I started to read books, go to workshops and watch videos online.

I will pass this technique onto my future generations and my team. Macramé is a technique that cannot be forgotten. 

I have learnt that your thoughts determine the person you are and what you want to achieve. When you train your mind to change your thoughts to positive ones, you will see how everything around you change for better. Your thoughts are the most powerfully tool one has. If you change your thoughts, you will change your life and that’s the hardest challenge to succeed, but the most amazing one.